Saturday 16 February 2013


Jonah is a well know biblical figure - a prophet sent by God to warn the city of Niniva , who tried to escape to fulfill his mission . Gulped down by a big fish when trvelling on ship, was thrown out of fish's guts after three days. He got to the shore ,where he finally understood his destiny and went to Niniva .
But not everybody is such a lucky one to understand own destiny . Like Jonah , most people are afraid of their true mission in life . Like me . I am totally paralysed sometimes when thinking about that . Maybe because that's something what is pretty different from what I experienced so far . Or maybe I am still unconscious of it .
So called Jonah's syndrom . That's for sure what was Jonah's destiny - make people realize they don't live  life the way they should . And not only in Niniva , I think .